Since I bought my
All Saints boots barely a day goes by when I don't wear them, they're just so versatile. And when I do I almost always get comments from people who have been staring longingly through the shop window (as I did before I bought them) deciding whether they can justify the £150, wishing they were half the price but loving them all the same. What with this and the popularity of Ropers, I was surprised that the high street hadn't picked up on the trend and mass produced a cheaper, easier to find version (in the case of Ropers, no amount of eBay searching ever turns up my size/style/colour combination). That was until I walked into River Island of all places! Not usually a fan, I was in there for work purposes, but I couldn't help noticing these beauties. So nice, I am even tempted to buy them in brown to give my prized possessions a couple of much needed days off.
Images from riverisland.com* my boots have scuffed up so nicely, they don't even resemble that image anymore. I should do a before and after post.