Sunday, 31 July 2011


Found these amazing bibs for my cousin's baby shower!

Available from Felix and Lily's, Islington.


My hair's at that annoying in-between stage of growing out an old hairstyle - the back isn't long enough for a top knot, the fringe keeps getting in my eyes. I've been experimenting with creative things to do with it in the meantime and quite liking this mix of french plaiting and top knot. (You can really see where the Cuban sun lightened my usually jet black hair).

Saturday, 30 July 2011


It's been a really really long blog hiatus but finally I'm back. I had an amazing June and then I got ill, like need an ambulance ill and too ill to blog. The good news is I'm back to my old self and I spent most of my time in my sick bed shopping online (spending all the money I was saving by not leaving the house), so I've got plenty to share on here.

But first, here's June in photos..

All photos taken by me in Cuba and at Glastonbury Festival